This meme was posted by a Democrat friend of mine. Allow me to provide some “clarity”.

"Who you love”? I'm sorry to shock some of you, but there have always been restrictions on "who you can love” in society. You're not allowed to "love" animals in a sexual way. Adults are not allowed to "love" children in a sexual way. Pedophiles are trying to legally change that, by the way. But gay marriage is legal, if that's what you're whining about. No one’s trying to change that. Question: Who was the person who said he “had no problem” with Pete Buttigieg and his husband appearing on stage?? Not Hillary, not Kamala, not Obama - TRUMP.
Gender? YES, there are still TWO genders. Who wants kids who are legally too young to vote, get married, or sign contracts to be turned into medical eunuchs at 10? DEMOCRATS. You want a generation of angry teletubbies? I don't. They have no idea what the permanent consequences of their choices will be. We’ll pay dearly for that as a society. Hey, I'm reasonable - after 18, do whatever you want to. Just don't ask me to fund it. And if they find your skeleton in a forest someday, they'll still be able to tell if you were MALE or FEMALE, regardless of how many "puberty blocking" drugs you took or how you "identified".
Books? Who wants your kid having access to porn at school without your consent or knowledge? DEMOCRATS. You can still let your 8 year-old read Playboy at home if you want to. No one is stopping you.
Travel? Who said you could not travel, even get on a plane or cruise ship without taking an experiment injection?? DEMOCRATS. (Of course Congress exempted themselves). Wake up. You don't mind driving to another state to go to a concert or an amusement park. If you have to do it to get an abortion, I'm sure you can swing it. Get that dude who knocked you up to pay for it.
History? Who wants to erase our history to fit THEIR conception of how things should have been? DEMOCRATS. You're still free to buy liberal history books. That’s all they teach in school anyway. I have many on my shelves.
Prayer? Who is trying to remove anyone's right to even sing a Christmas carol in school or pray silently? DEMOCRATS. Celebrating other belief systems is fine, of course. Just not Christianity. Who's discriminating? DEMOCRATS. Who shut down churches and kept liquor stores open during Covid? DEMOCRATS.
Bodily "autonomy"? Who decreed what you could or couldn’t “do with your own body” by mandating shots on people (except Congress of course) so you could feed your families, even if you worked from home? DEMOCRATS
Free speech? Who is trying to silence dissent and censor anyone who disagrees with government's narrative? DEMOCRATS. They don't want you to have multiple avenues of information so you can decide for yourself. That's why they're working so hard to shut down X. They can't stand it that Elon is allowing ALL points of view on the platform. Trump may call certain outlets “fake news”, but has never threatened to shut them down.
Are we clear about who’s really attacking your freedom?? Wake up, before it's too late.
Heidi Harris